Schema of the Time After Pentecost

(as arranged for the Year of Our Lord 2005)


The progression of the Time After Pentecost, together with a select number of saints' days, can be summarized as follows:

The Octave of Pentecost

(Note: technically this is not a part of the Time After Pentecost, but its point of departure)

  • Pentecost (Whitsunday). Fifty days after Easter, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. One of the three greatest feasts of the liturgical year.
  • Ember Wednesday within the Octave of Pentecost. See Ember Days, etc.
  • Ember Friday within the Octave of Pentecost
  • Ember Saturday within the Octave of Pentecost
  • The end of Paschaltide (after the office of None on Saturday afternoon).


The Time After Pentecost

(Note: The following division into two parts is ours, not the calendar's)

Part 1: Redeeming the times...

  • Trinity Sunday. After the Son revealed His relation to the Father through Good Friday and Easter, and the Spirit revealed Himself at Pentecost, the most Holy Trinity can now be fully worshipped (see Customs page). 
  • Feast of Corpus Christi. In the U.S., said on the Sunday rather than the Thursday after the Feast of the Holy Trinity. An adoration of the Food that sustains us on our post-Pentecostal pilgrimage and "the pledge of our future glory" (Vespers) (see Customs page). 

Birth of St. John the Baptist

  • Sacred Heart of Jesus. (The Friday after the Octave of Corpus Christi.) A celebration of God's love for all men, made manifest from Advent to Corpus Christi, and a thanksgiving for all the divine favors we have received. 
  • Feast of St. John the Baptist (June 24). The greatest of the prophets and arguably the least confused and wisest of Christ's disciples, John has the distinction of being the only other person besides the Blessed Virgin and our Lord whose birthday is celebrated by the Church (see Customs page). 
  • Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29). The grand rejoicing in the two Princes of the Apostles and founders of the Church in Rome.
  • Third Sunday after Pentecost. Because of God's mercy, the Holy Spirit works to build the kingdom of God even in sinful souls. 
  • The Feast of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (July 1).


Primacy of St. Peter

  • Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. Trusting in God in the midst of troubles. The example of St. Peter is given because of this Sunday's usual proximity to the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. 
  • Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. The importance of forgiving injuries. Again there is a Petrine motif because of the proximity to the feast. (This Sunday was originally known as the "First Sunday after the Feast of the Apostles.") 
  • Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. The need for constant repentance and fidelity to our baptismal vows. 
  • Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. "Faith cannot save without virtue" (St. John Chrysostom). 
  • Eighth Sunday after Pentecost. The importance of intelligent foresight and the fascinating passage on "the mammon of iniquity" (Lk. 16.9). 
  • Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. The necessity of being faithful to the end. 
  • Transfiguration of our Lord (Aug. 6). The second commemoration during the liturgical year of the miracle of the Transfiguration. (The first, on the second Sunday in Lent, recalls Christ's divinity, while today emphasizes His triumph and glory.) Falling on a Sunday this year, it replaces the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost. 


  • The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15). The day that the Mother of God was assumed body and soul into heaven and crowned Queen (see Customs page).
  • Tenth Sunday after Pentecost. Humility and its source in knowing that all goodness comes from the Spirit. 
  • (Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost. Daily dying to our sins and rising to new life in Christ. (Replaced in 2004 with the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15)).
  • Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. True and laudable service as we run to attain the eternal promises. 

The coronation of the BVM, Holy Trinity Church Sanctuary

  • Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. An increase in faith, hope, and love. 
  • Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Seeking the kingdom of God and its justice. 
  • Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Weeping over lost souls and rejoicing over converted ones. 
  • Ember Wednesday of September. (Also called the Michaelmas Embertide because of its proximity to St. Michael's Day. See Ember Days.) Commemoration of the restoration of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. 
  • Ember Friday of September. The profound importance of total conversion. 
  • Ember Saturday of September. Commemoration of Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles (both of which occur in the Jewish calendar around this time), two important foreshadowings of the Christ event. 
  • Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Good works and humility. 
  • Michaelmas (September 29). The feast of the dedication of the church of St. Michael the Archangel, which focuses more on the princely archangel himself (see Customs page). 
  • Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. The double love of God and neighbor. 

St. Michael expelling the demons

Part II: The final manifestation of Christ...

  • Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Sacrifice, forgiveness, and "confirmation in the end without crime" (1 Cor. 4.8). 
  • Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The necessity of charity (caritas) for the eternal wedding feast. 
  • Feast of Christ the King (last Sunday of October). A celebration of Christ's rule over His Church and an anticipation of His eternal reign over the new heaven and earth. This year it replaces the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost (see Customs page). 
  • (Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost. Making our hearts ready through faith as we "redeem the times" (Eph. 5.15).  Replaced this year (2003) by the Feast of Christ the King.)
  • All Saints' Day (November 1). A glorious celebration of the entire communion of saints (see Customs page). 
  • All Souls' Day (November 2). A solemn prayer for the souls in purgatory (see Customs page). 
  • Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost. Spiritually arming oneself (for both now and Armageddon) and forgiving each other so that we may be forgiven on Judgment Day. 
  • (Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost. Rendering to God what is God's means that we must give ourselves up entirely to Him so that He will recognize us on the Last Day. 

  • Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost. A reminder of the Book of Life and the resurrection of the body. 
  • (Twenty-Fourth to Twenty-Eighth Sundays after Pentecost.) These are "movable" Sundays, parts of which are taken from the weeks after Epiphany but which have an apocalyptic/eschatological theme. In the year 2007, two, the Twenty-Fourth and Twenty-Fifth, taken from the Fifth and Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, respectively, are observed. 
  • Last Sunday after Pentecost. The Last Judgment. 

Meaning of the Season

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