December 2001

Volume 113 Issue 10

The Newsletter from Holy Trinity, "the German Church", published since 1899.



Father's Letter

 Dear Readers of the Monatsbote,             

The Cardinal has been very busy with so many things, I can see why he has not yet been able to write a response to our visitation.  Maybe he will tell us something when we go to the Cathedral on the Sunday after Christmas.  The Third Vicariate of the Central Region will gather to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family with his Eminence at eleven o'clock in the morning, Sunday, December 30, 2001.

It is so close that there will not be Mass celebrated at Holy Trinity or Saint James on that day.

If you have not yet filled out your census card, please do so.  They are available at the rear of the Church.  Asking God's blessings on you all,








At this time in the waning light of  late November and with the day of Thanksgiving now past, we pause to consider the unprecedented events we now refer to as 9-11. How they affected our lives and what changes in our lifestyle resulted.

The first and most widespread effect has been, not unexpectedly, on the air travel industry. Each of us should  now be able to test our mettle as we ponder the dates and times of those winter trips to the sunny south  However, the more recent takeoff tragedy on Long Island may cause us to waiver on those plans.  We will hope these fears are alleviated by time of the Christmas holidays so that the joys of family reunions are not diminished.

Are you finding greater satisfaction in other people's company since an enhanced sense of their mortality  has become evident?   Have you noted that recently there are people in the churches who have been less than faithful in the past?  Does a heightened sense of mortality affect your morality?  Do you know people who you felt might prefer to be alone, now happily seeking your companionship?

When will people become aware of our absolute dependency on the Mid-East for vital fuel supplies and take a first step to conserve and are you one of those persons? If not when will you start walking  more and driving less?

                                                                        C.  N. Faulstich



Special Notices




The upcoming Christmas/Epiphany Concert will feature the music of German, French and American composers and will be performed by the choirs of Holy Trinity Church, Boston; the children's chorus of Sacred Heart School, Weymouth Landing; the Festival Choir from Immaculate Conception Church of East Weymouth; and St. Joseph's Church Choir from Holbrook.  The program will also include the famous instrumental, "Aria for Harp" by Marcel Grangany.  It will be performed by artists Virginia Crumb, harpist, and Kenneth Starr, Organist.  Included in the concert are several nostalgic German congregational carols.  These carols have been sung at Holy Trinity for more than 150 years.  Also included in this celebration is a performance of "A Christmas Tableau in Five Settings," an original work by George Krim, organist and Director of Music at Holy Trinity.  The "Tableau" is a production that includes silent costumed actors who dramatically enact the "Story of the Birth of Christ" in various settings as told in narrations and music.  It is performed only once every two years and only at Holy Trinity!



Visitation Update 

As you know during the Bishop's visitation last September we committed to undertaking a parish census.  That process has been underway throughout the month of November. We also committed to establishing a Parish Pastoral Council in conformity with Archdiocesan guidelines. The two commitments are related since the guidelines emphasize the importance of having the Pastoral Council composed of active and registered individuals who are the elected representatives of the whole congregation. Thus the census is the first step toward having a proper election.

Next month all families who have completed the census cards will received a letter requesting nominations for the Parish Council election which will take place in February or March. It would be good if each of us started now to give serious and prayerful thought to whom we might wish to nominate. Toward that end it would be helpful to understand some of the duties and obligations of the Parish Pastoral Council members.

First, the purpose of the Council is to assist the pastor/administrator in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish.  The council's objectives are:

a.  to assess adequately the needs of the whole parish and its members, and to develop and implement a pastoral plan which will promote the common good of the parish. 

b.  to foster unity and a sense of community in the parish and to coordinate all parish activities in a manner that will best serve the interests of the parish.

c.  to promote programs and activities recommended by the Archbishop, archdiocesan offices and agencies as well as the pastoral council itself.

That's enough for now.  There will be more to come later.  



December 2001 Calendar


Sun    2

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Frauenbruderschaft.  The Mass will be offered for Anna R. Cavelius, Barbara King, Margaret Tressari, and the living and deceased members of the Catholic Women's Guild.

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin (1962 Missal). The Mass will be offered for Louis Centore.  Altar Boy Society meeting in Medeiros Center, 1:15PM.

Fr. Francis X. Weiser, SJ Lecture Series in lower chapel, 1:30PM.

Thu   6

Advent Evening of Recollection for men in lower chapel, 7:00PM

Holy Trinity Latin Schola rehearsal, 7:30PM..

Sat     8

Immaculate Conception.  Low Mass in Latin (1962 Missal),  Preces Cantatae.  7:00PM.

Sun   9

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Männerbruderschaft.  The Mass will be offered for Frank Freier, Victor E. Mueller and deceased members of his family, William Boehner, and Barbara King.

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin (1962 Missal).  HT Latin Schola.  The Mass will be offered for Mary Doyle.  Holy Name Society meeting after Mass. 

Thu   13

Holy Trinity German & Latin Choirs rehearsal at St. Joseph's in Holbrook, 7:45PM.

Fri     14

Holy Trinity German Choir rehearsal, 1:00PM.

Sat    15

Holy Trinity German & Latin Choirs, West End Neighborhood Tree Lighting, 6:30PM.

Sun   16

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Family Sunday. HT German Choir.  The Mass will be offered for William J. Boehner.   

12 Noon High Mass in Latin (1962 Missal).  Schola Amicorum.  The Mass will be offered for Silvena Pereira.

Thu  20

All choirs rehearsal for Midnight Mass, 7:30PM.

Fri    21

Holy Trinity German Choir rehearsal, 1:00PM.

Sun   23

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Immaculate Conception Sodality.  The Mass will be offered for Nancy Saya, and the living and deceased members of the Sodality.

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin (1962 Missal). The Mass will be offered for Anna Kedian.

Mon 24

Christmas Eve.  Carol Concert, Procession and High Mass in Latin (1962 Missal)  Combined Holy Trinity Choirs.  11:30PM.  The Mass will be offered for Peter Cavelius.

Tue  25

Christmas Day.  Mass in English/German.  HT German Choir.  The Mass will be offered for living and deceased parishioners, 9:45AM.

Christmas Day.  Low Mass in Latin (1962 Missal).  The Mass will be offered for living and deceased parishioners, 12:00 noon.

Thu  27

Joint choirs rehearsal for Concert & Tableau, 7:30PM.

Sun  30

No Masses at Holy Trinity.  The parish will participate in the Cardinal's Mass at the Cathedral, 11:00AM.




Etwas Neues

Dankeschön to Rev. Franz Gassner, SVD of Vienna and Rev. Arnd Franke of Berlin as concelebrants; Deacon Michael Connolly; Harry Kaufman, M.C.; Richard Doucette, cross-bearer; Joan Riordan, Eucharistic Minister; Michael Hager, lector; plus Richard Miller, trombonist and the Sängerchor members who along with our own German Choir each enhanced our German Liturgy on Heritage Day.  We are grateful, especially to George Krim, organist and music director for arranging and printing the program, rehearsing the choirs and to the dedicated Herren und Damen who prepared and serve the brunch.  Thanks also to the unsung heroes and heroines who presided over the raffle, bakery, handcraft and memorabilia tables.  Easy listenin' and sing-a-long music was greatly enjoyed thanks to the talented father-daughter duo, Richard and Doreen Miller. And thanks to all who helped raise over $1,800 for Holy Trinity.  Note: Max, Michael, Tyler and Mom, Gail, of the Oma und Opa Dreist Familie were excellent additional "aides de buffet."  Please come again and again and again!

Not to be neglected in our gratitude is Rev. Hugh H. O'Regan who, as a Central Region Vicar and dual Administrator of St. James and Holy Trinity, somehow found time to have constructed a Reconciliation room (just to the right of the center church entrance) and - wonder of wonders - a new heating system!  We, who suffer through N.E.'s blustery winters, salute you, Father!

On November 17th, wedding bells peeled as two couples received the Sacrament of Matrimony at Holy Trinity.  In early afternoon, Christina Steinkrauss and Daniel Kwash were united as family, friends and Preces Cantatae members witnessed.  Later, the Barry Hayes clan gathered to encourage and applaud the union of Caroline McCabe and Jeffery Blaines. May God bestow His choicest blessings on these newlyweds!

December Birthday wishes for cake, candles and Gemütlichkeit to:

3 -    Francis Geiger - our faithful church usher;

6 -    Irene (Smith) Archibald - seen with the Geden Family on Heritage Sunday;

6 -    Michael and Nicholas Neczypyr - twin blessings to Linda and Walter;

8 -    Brian C. Krim - George's "boy" and Irvin C. Brogan's godson;

8 -    Andrew McCloskey - Jim's student-son who, like Dad, helps at H.T.

9 -    Bob Dreist - Hilde's Mann and C.A.S. auxiliary hard-worker;

11    Paul Logan - Jeanne's (Wessling) spouse,  musician, chorister and narrator;

13    John Wessling - Barbara's "right hand", great-       grandfather & H.T. aide;

18    Jim McCloskey - "volunteer extraordinaire" at H.T. - no task too large;

19    Helen Peterson - "Sunny" - ever helpful - weekly cleans all vigil lights;

25    Evan Remmes - the distinct priviledge of a shared birthday!

Also, we offer belated natal day wishes to Sister M. Milburga, OSF, (a.k.a. Gertrude Geiger) who became a nonagenarian on 11/13 and celebrated this special Geburtstag with her community and many family members at Assisi House in Aston, PA.  Sister keeps in touch with her H.T. roots via Mary, Madeline and Frank and remembers all parishioners in prayer.

Rev. John Ford, ST, formerly of Holy Trinity and familiarly known as a "Josephite Father," is now assigned to pastor a growing congregation in DeLisle, Mississippi.  Their original church on St. Stephen's Road was leveled in 1969 by Hurricane Camille and after attending other churches for three decades, they are eager for a new building.  (Catholicism has been active in this area since 1712 and, since 1822, his community has served there.)  Our prayers for success, Father John!

Our sincere sympathy to John and Barbara Wessling upon the recent death of John's brother, Robert - a mater machinist and entrepreneur.  May God grant him the peace of eternity and his family the comfort of our faith in a heavenly reunion!

On Dec. 7, the League of Catholic Women invites you to attend Mass at 10:15 and a Christmas Bazaar following at Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon, 61 Rockwood St., Jamaica Plain.  H.T. parishioners Rose Sullivan and Lillian Reiss are co-chairs of this annual charitable event and ask your support and attendance.  (Beverages and pastries are served after Mass.)

From St. Peter's Seminary, Alan Thomas, a Latin Mass congregant, wrote news of his daily life experiences in study and prayer while fulfilling his vocation call.  Another seminarian, close to ordination there, is Dominic Gentile. The address: St. Peter's Seminary, P.O. Box 433, Denton, NE 68339.

Barbara and John Wessling report they are heading toward "Better Health Boulevard" and Florida.  January 2nd is the scheduled departure date and they thank all for the prayers, cards and calls.  (H.T. is truly a concerned and caring family.)

Also, their own family has been extended a generation with the addition of Anna Rose to Angela and Andrew Marinelli (proud grandparents, John and Debby Wessling).  Plus, Arianna Joy who joins her three big brothers in Joe and Sue's home.  Congratulations and long, happy, health-filled lives to wee Anna and Arianna!

It is hard to believe that a year has passed since Michael Foley presented his Fr. Weiser Lecture Series talk entitled "What's in a Name?"  This insightful lecture has now been made available to the world in the form of an article in the November issue of "Homiletic & Pastoral Review."  We understand that Michael, Alexandra and the whole family are happily relocated to South Bend, Indiana where he is on the faculty of Notre Dame.

The Month of December offers special Feasts:

  • 6th - St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, Turkey who, in the 4th century, was known for his good deeds to children and his love for the poor - generously using his inherited fortune for the needy.  Since then, "Santa Claus" has lived in the hearts of all.  In resplendent red garments (reminiscent of Bishops' robes) he is known in European tradition as one who leaves candy in children's shoes left by the door and here, for filling stockings and bringing gifts on Christmas eve.  May his spirit ever be cherished!

  • 8th - "I am the Immaculate Conception."  Thus spoke Our Lady in several apparitions.  Our country is dedicated to the Mother of God who has promised to intercede for us, her supplicant children.

  • 12th - As Our Lady of the Americas, the Blessed Mother appeared to Juan Diego in 1531 in Guadalupe, Mexico.  The true wonder of his rose-filled cloak and its miraculous painting is a Marian mystery - still to be seen at the Basilica there.

  • 25th - The Feast of the Season - Christmas.  As St. John the Evangelist in 1:14 divinely but simply stated; "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, full of grace and truth."

10:00AM Mass Lectors
December 2 Hildegarde Dreist
December 9 Mary Geiger
December 16 Herbert Pflanz
December 23 Joseph Harzbecker
December 25 Barbara Bridge
December 30 No Mass at Holy Trinity


Monatsbote Editor
Holy Trinity Church
140 Shawmut Avenue
Boston, MA 02118


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