
December 2004
Volume 116 Issue 10

The Newsletter from Holy Trinity, "the German Church", published since 1899.


Father's Letter


Dear Monatsbote Readers,

We have started a new Liturgical Year, another step in our living the Life of Jesus.  Advent prepares us for His birth and the events of His time on earth.  We must ensure that we are not distracted by the GLITZ and GLAMOUR of the secular world. 

You give of yourselves in living the parish liturgies and associations with others who seek to follow the Lord.  Grace and commitment lead us on.  Time marks our passage on the journey to the goal of permanent possession of the Kingdom.

Bon Voyage!  And thank you for helping your parish to function. 


                                                                                                            Father O’Regan



Do you recognize the Christmas of your childhood in what is made of the holiday celebration today?  Given that anticipation and expectation are the factors that heighten the pleasures we seek, where has the penitential season of Advent gone?  White as in "White Christmas" and bright lights have replaced the more somber symbolic coloration and subdued lighting of the days leading to Christmas.  Has anyone recently seen a Christmas tree on New Year's Day, or on Epiphany as heretofore?

Midnight Mass.  The awe-inspiring memory of the darkened gothic church with the flickering candles lives on.  When precisely at midnight, emanating from the darkened choir loft, the hushed Stille Nacht can yet be heard.  Finally the lights would go on and the organ would peal forth, and the celebration would commence with the participating Jesuit powers brought in from B.C. and other places.

The "Home" Chapel.  The Christmas celebra-tion began at 5 a.m. at the "Home" Chapel.  The special features of the Mass were the violin accompanied organ music and the acolyte-lined altar rail in the 3rd floor chapel.  But how does one forget what might have been, as one recalls the scene?  A third floor chapel in an all wooden building, with the sanctuary packed with pine trees cut, who knows when, interspersed with lighted candles and votive lights-- a single stairway leading up to this area-- This was a potential disaster which fortunately never happened.

Santa came to Casino Hall on a Sunday near Christmas.  It was a great day for the children to meet intimately with St. Nick.  Details are vague at this time, but memory is of one very lean and lanky individual who was the perennial Santa.  But it sure took much inanimate matter to
fill out the big red suit.

                                                                                                      C. N. Faulstich

As part of this column’s retrospective series, this essay is reprinted from the December 1995 Monatsbote.


Special Items

Archdiocesan Reorganization News

As of the date of this writing, the Parish Council is still awaiting a letter from Bishop Lennon following-up on their August 6 meeting with the Bishop in Brighton.   


Chickering “Player” Piano Update.

RazSyberts was delighted to be able to report that the player piano described in last month’s Monatsbote has found a worthy home.  She was particularly pleased that the notice generated so much interest and regretted only that there were not enough pianos to go around.  A family with several young budding musicians will put the Holy Trinity heirloom to good use. 

Editor’s Note:  The parish is grateful to Raz and Ed for their generosity and for remembering and perpetuating the Holy Trinity connection.    


A Letter to the Editor regarding German Heritage Sunday

There are a great many people who should be proud of their accomplishments as we celebrated Holy Trinity’s recent “all German” Heritage Day Mass, whether you were a participant at Mass or, in addition, one who shared in the planning and the carrying out of this event.

From my vantage point I can only feel the wonder of a community who manages to rise up, beyond all adversities, to find ways to honor and preserve the rich culture and presence of our Parish.

It is with deep respect that I congratulate everyone who worked, in any way, to make this event successful.  May the Lord bless all of you.

                                                                                                                               George Krim


December 2004 Calendar


Thu     2

Holy Trinity Latin Schola rehearsal, 7:30 PM.

Fri       3

Holy Trinity German Choir rehearsal, 1:00 PM.

Dec      5

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Frauenbruderschaft.  The Mass will be offered for Louise & Frank Freier and for Anna R. Cavelius.

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin.  Holy Trinity Latin Schola.  The Mass will be offered for the living and deceased members of the Rice Family.

Wed   8

Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  Low Mass in Latin.  Preces Cantatae.  7:00PM.  The Mass will be offered for the intentions of Lita UiLaoghaire.

Sat    11

West End Tree Lighting Ceremony.  Combined Choirs.  Cardinal Cushing Park, 6:30PM.

Evening of Recollection for Men.  7:00PM.

Dec   12

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Männerbruderschaft.  The Mass will be offered for Florence Soltis.

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin.  The Mass will be offered for Louis Centore, Sr.

Fri     17

Holy Trinity German Choir rehearsal, 1:00 PM.

Dec   19

10 AM Mass in German.  Family Sunday.  Holy Trinity German Choir.

12 Noon High Mass in Latin.  Schola Amicorum.    The Mass will be offered for the intentions of Helen L. Peterson.

Fri     24

Christmas Eve Carol Concert.  Combined Choirs.  11:30PM.

Sat    25

Christmas.  Midnight High Mass in Latin.  Combined Choirs.  The Mass will be offered for Peter Cavelius.

Christmas.  10 AM Mass in English/German.  Holy Trinity German Choir.  (Carols begin at 9:45.)  The Mass will be offered for the living and deceased members of the Catholic Women’s Guild.

Christmas.  12 Noon Low Mass in Latin.  The Mass will be offered for the Souls in Purgatory.

Dec   26

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Immaculate Conception Sodality.  The Mass will be offered for Sister Margaret Christine, OSF.

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin. 

Sat      1

10 AM Mass in English/German. 

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin.  The Mass will be offered for Iolanda Censale.

Jan     2

10 AM Mass in English/German.  Frauenbruderschaft.  The Mass will be offered for Louise & Frank Freier.

12 Noon Low Mass in Latin.  The Mass will be offered for the intentions of Megan Adams.

Christian Arts Series Three Kings Concert.  Sängerchor-Boston.  3:00 PM.  Reception in Cardinal Medeiros Center after concert.

Etwas Neues & Quid Novi

Ø      The glory of our Annual German Heritage Day Mass on Christkönigssonntag defies eloquent description!  Rev. Harry Kaufman offered the Mass in German and was nobly assisted as Deacon by Rev. Mr. Michael Connolly of Boston College, who, fluent in German, chanted the Gospel and gave an inspirational homily.  Father Harry’s own message told of Annie Sullivan’s early childhood years in a gruesome asylum, latter becoming “teacher” to Helen Keller.  God’s loving power and the grace of human interest wrought two miracles – Annie and Helen.  The magnificent organ and choral music (the latter augmented by the generous Sängerchor) soared.  Tears of joy and remembrance flowed.  Adding celebratory light were the huge arches which blazed brightly.  Those who made the pilgrimage to their Mutter Kirche were privileged indeed.  

Ø      We were delighted to welcome back, after a 6-month hiatus due to surgery and recuperation, Gertrude Gumpright – our perky mission collections’ gal.  She came with Fr. Harry, his mother and several of his Sacred Heart parishioners – one of whom, Mr. Kramer, traced his German ancestry and sacrament receptions to Holy Trinity.

Ø      Mary Rose Geiger is currently recovering slowly but surely from a fall at Marina Bay Rehab.  (Her brother, Frank, our ever-faithful usher, is a resident there as well.)  We suggest cards and notes be sent to their home address: 66 Sagamore Ave., North Quincy, MA  02171.  Madeline will deliver them, if necessary.

Ø      Holy Trinity is saddened to report the November 12 death of Sr. Margaret Christine, OSF in Aston, PA.  In her religious life, Sister served many years both at Holy Trinity – Boston and at the Home in Roxbury.   (Among her numerous students were Fr. Harry, his Mom, and Herr Editor.  Father gave Sister some credit for his vocation as she chose him frequently to role-play the “priest” in church practice sessions.)  As Rita Mary Sullivan, a resident of H.T.’s Boston parish, she received her vocation by the examples of her Franciscan and Jesuit teachers.  May God now grant His good and faithful servant eternal peace.  In her honor, memorial contributions may be sent to Franciscan Ministries, 609 Convent Road, Aston, PA 19014.

Ø       The photo snapping, shared hearty laughter and good-natured teasing were due not to true quints but to the five Fickeisen sisters who attended the Heritage Mass en-masse – much to the surprise and delight of Hildegarde Dreist – one of the Dammen.  We all enjoyed their presence and hope they’ll “come on down” often.

Ø      Wilkommen to Ruth (Doerr) Griffin, V.P. of the German Ladies Aid Society of Deutsches Altenheim, who joined Hilde in greeting the congregants before Mass and helped with the buffet service later. Volunteering is virtuous!

Ø       Also, our heartfelt thanks to those “virtuous volunteers” of Holy Trinity, particularly those men and women who traveled on a busy Saturday to ready the Medeiros Center for the brunch and prepared open-faced treats, baked coffeecakes and arranged for those luscious Konditormeister pastries. Schmeckt gut!  To those ever-dependable “fewsome we say Dankeschön vielmal!

Ø       Where have you seen the following inscription at Holy Trinity: “This is the House of God – the Gate of Heaven.  (Answer at the end of column.)

Ø      Two special Holy Trinity parishioners have changed their addresses recently Mrs. Rosalie Cooper, our several-decades volunteer secretary, and Miss Virginia Jones, long-time traditional parishioner, are now both at the Schrafft Pavilion of Deutsches Altenheim, 2222 Centre Street, West Roxbury, MA 02132.  (Greeting cards are appreciated – visits too!)

Ø      The hard-working, generous couple from Salem, Lauretta and Patrick Cloherty, sadly have had to bow out from Holy Trinity’s activities due to Pat’s fall and ensuing chronic lameness plus Lauretta’s decision to curtail long-distance driving for the present.  We shall miss greatly their smiling faces and most pleasant and helpful manner. We hope they know they will always be a part of the grateful heart of Heiligste Dreifaltigkeit Kirche.  Auf wiedersehen, liebe Freunden.

Ø       Did you know that a most astonished (‘tho we’re not) Dolores Miller received a plaque naming her the Volunteer of the Year at a recent senior committee meeting in Dorchester. (Her spouse, Richard, was honored in, perhaps, a “runner-up” capacity, but we ask, who “runs-up” by car the #1 recipient, his liebe Frau?)  Well-deserved congratulations to this great duo!

Ø      December 8, 2004 marks the 150th Anniversary of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception.  From Our Lady’s visit to Sr. Catherine Labouré in 1830; her miraculous medal propagation – over 100 million in 1832; to 1847 when the Holy See approved the selection of “Mary Conceived without Sin” as Patroness of the United States.  On Dec. 8, 1854 Pope Pius IX defined as revealed truth “that the Blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God, in view of the foreseen merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin.”  Thus we have the privilege to pray: “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

Ø       Advent Season with its wreath, candles and devout practices is at hand, Venite adoremus!  “Come, let us adore Him!”  Beyond the most important “reason for the season”, we quote the following thought-provoking letter to the editor of a daily paper by Matt Shuman entitled “Attention, Christmas shoppers.”

During the next few weeks, people will rush to malls and shops and begin their obligatory spending.  This frenzy of shopping is a detriment to our society in at least three ways: economically, environmentally, and spiritually.  During this pre-Christmas rush, people will buy more than they can afford, burdening themselves with months, if not years, of debt.  People will buy products with superfluous packaging, condoning and contributing to waste on a grand scale.

Finally, people will buy and buy, in the process forgetting that the essence of Christmas is not presents but love and celebration of what many consider to be God’s greatest gift to the world. 

So as Christmas approaches, I urge everyone to buy carefully.  Be sure to think of the ramifications of your purchase.  Are you buying a gift that is within your price range?  A gift that is safe for the earth?  A gift that is in the true spirit of Christmas?

Don’t let America’s consumer culture warp your decisions.  This year reject the consumerism that is ruining Christmas and buy (or better yet, make) a gift with your heart and head in the right place.

Ø       Other important December observances – Geburtstage!  Many happy returns and shared celebrations to: Frank Geiger (3rd); Irene (Smith) Archibald and the Neczypyr twins, Nicholas and Michael, now 21 (6th); Jim McCloskey (18th); Helen Peterson, who’ll revel in ¾ of a century (19th); and Evan Remmes – a blessed date (25th).

Ø       We paraphrase the song: “There’s no place like home for the holidays” – “There’s no place like Holy Trinity for the Holydays!”  Come, feel the presence of the past, sing the old familiar Christmas carols and greet with friends in faith His Birth!  We offer this Christmas mediation of St. Therese of Lisieux:  “O Child, whose light doth blind the sight of angels in high heaven divine!  Thou’rt come to save the world tonight and who can fathom that love of Thine?  (courtesy of the Society of the Little Flower.)

Ø       Memory and Christ’s question “Were there not ten?” brings thoughts of the labors of a very dedicated group of Holy Trinity women who collected worn white sheets, specifically measured, cut, sewed, rolled, packed or stretch-knitted soft bandages for the victims of Hansen’s Disease (leprosy).  These much-needed bandages were shipped to centers in the U.S. and abroad. (Modern medicines and technology have replaced this arduous task but we remember, as do the early recipients, with thanks.)

Ø      While further strolling Memory Lane, we recall the thousands of cord rosaries made under the guidance of the Immaculate Conception Sodality (YLS) and its nimble-fingered members.  These were sent to missionaries, WWII servicemen and chaplains at prisoner-of-war camps.  Our busy bees at home knotted and prayed many Pater Noster’s and Ave’s as they plied their knotted avocation.

Ø      Also, warm pastel flannel yardgoods were purchased by the YLS and patterns provided for a veritable cottage industry.  Layettes were sewn for babies in local and displaced person areas.  Precious free time was spent not watching “the box” but in filling boxes for those in need.  God Bless All!

Ø      Feasts of special impact in December:

3rd       St. Francis Xavier.  One of the church's greatest missionaries and evangelists - a caregiver for the poor, the lepers, the outcasts of society.

6th        St. Nicholas.  Bishop of Myra and well known especially of those of European background.  (Will we get candy or coal this year?)

8th        The Immaculate Conception.  "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

12th      Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Our Lady of the Americas. 

25th      Christmas.  Jesus, der Retter, ist da!  A little child.  A shining star.  A stable rude, the door ajar.  Yet in that place, so crude, forlorn, the hope of all the world was born.  (Courtesy of Fr. Charles Yost, Sacred Heart Fathers.) 

26th      St. Stephen.  Deacon and martyr.

28th      Holy Innocents.  Pray for our children.

29th      Feast of the Holy Family.  "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we give you our hearts and our souls."

Ø      On crutches but ever with smiling countenance and loving attentive hubby is Kathy (Costa) Cunningham – our “candid camera” lady form Plymouth.  She fractured her knee in a fall.  (Perhaps getting the “perfect pic”, she tripped over “The Rock!”)  Prayerful wishes for early healing, Kathy!

Ø      To All:  Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr! 

Ø      Answer to the question on page 4:  Etched on the glass over the interior storm doors of H. T.




Christian Arts Series

CAS is delighted to be sponsoring a return visit of Sängerchor-Boston.  Our annual Three Kings Concert to celebrate the Christmas-Epiphany Season will begin at 3:00 PM on Sunday, January 2, 2005. 

The program will incorporate Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany hymns such as “Die Engel” (Gloria), “O Tannenbaum”, “Stille Nacht”, and a wide selection of classical and folk music by German composers. Highlights include sections of Bach's "Magnificat," a Renaissance setting of "Ein Kindlein ist uns heut geborn," Beethoven's "Hymne an die Nacht," and the beautiful "Die Könige," of Peter Cornelius (1824-1874), which combines a Bach chorale with Cornelius' own melody.

Sängerchor-Boston is also pleased to present several fine a cappella arrangements of Swiss, Austrian, and German carols by their former director, Claus Hasbrouck.  Please join us for this festive occasion, celebrating German music and musicians from five centuries!

Holy Name News

The Holy Name Society has scheduled an Evening of Recollection for Men which will take place on Saturday, December 11 starting at 7:00 PM.  All men of the parish (and their friends) are welcome.  The planed format includes: lessons from Sacred Scripture, Hymn/Psalm response, Sermon, Recitation of the Holy Rosary, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Fr. Joseph Santos, Administrator of Holy Name of Jesus Church in
Providence, RI will be the evening's celebrant. This evening should be an edifying preparation for the arrival of the Christ Child.  Please mark your calendar. In the event of a major snow storm, this E/R will be postponed to a later date to be determined.  Please tune into WBZ-AM 1030 to check for such a storm cancellation.  The HNS is looking forward to a good turn out. Please pass the word to any Catholic men that may be interested.  For further information please contact Robert Quagan at (617) 325-5905. 






Lectors for English/German Masses


Dec     5

Doreen Miller

Dec   12

Hildegarde Dreist

Dec   19

Joseph Harzbecker

Dec   25

Barbara Bridge

Dec   26

Dolores Miller


Monatsbote Editor
Holy Trinity Church

Shawmut Avenue
Boston, MA 02118
